Jason Chang

Public Health Advocacy in Asia

Read about the contributions that Jason Chang has made in tackling deficient healthcare issues in his inspiring community.

“By igniting healthcare opportunities in and out of my native country of Taiwan, my services put forth a globally-minded mission.”


Blog Posts


Blechnum Orientale L. Family name: Blechnaceae Aboriginal name: Karun giri, Hway giri, Ttaru, Ggiri, Iyu tere (all Atayal), Giri (Atayal and Taroko), Ra:san, Asoi, Mata:zo

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Areca catechu L. Family name: Palmae/Arecaceae Aboriginal name: Suneke (Paiwan) Occurrence: Central, southern, and eastern Taiwan Aboriginal methods of treatment: Eye diseases Smash the immature

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International Media Coverage of Jason's Efforts